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When you do business with a company, you are supporting more than the products that they offer. You are supporting their values. With this in mind, it seems only fair that we tell you who we are and what we stand for.
The Recoil Store is the distribution arm for several companies. Right now that includes —
Sharpshooter - inventor of the amazing .22 Reloader
Lightning Tap - the most Advanced Trigger System for Glocks
TF Tactical - creator of the World’s Smallest Adjustable AR-15 gas block
EL Tactical - maker of mega cool laser engraved accessories
It is our goal to provide our customers with only the highest quality products.
A large percentage of our staff are veterans
We source everything from American companies
We support the shooting sports, hunting, fishing
We believe that the United States Constitution is the greatest document man has ever created
We are far from perfect. Perhaps we love recoil and torque too much. Our business meetings often end with a Bourbon (or two) and our parking lot shows evidence of more than one burnout. Our jokes are often bawdy and we laugh a lot and loudly.
We also have a pet project…a portion of every sale is donated to Knot Today, a veteran support 501 (3)c.
Our friend, Air Force Veteran Scott Aubin, discovered that here are many great support programs out there for our veterans. The problem is that many of our wounded warriors can't afford the travel and lodging. How many suicides could be prevented if our vets could get access to these programs? Focusing on this problem, Scott created Knot Today.
He uses a two prong approach to addressing the issue of veteran suicide.
First off, Scott goes on a speaking tours, telling his inspirational story.
Second, Knot Today provides transportation and lodging to veterans and first responders seeking help from approved programs.
So that is who we are
And we hope we have the opportunity to gain your trust.
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